“If you can get your work life to where you enjoy half of it, that is amazing. Very few people ever achieve that.”
— Jeff Bezos
Here are 3 articles you’d want to read this Sunday. And of course, you do not have to read all 3; even one of them read and assimilated well would be enough learning for the day!
The Shadowy Business of International Education
Through various stories, the author talks about how Indian students wishing to go abroad for education are lied to and exploited on every front — all in the name and promise of a better future in a developed country.
TrueAccord: Unsexiness-as-a-Moat
Packy talks about TrueAccord; a startup that solves the difficult task of consumer debt collection and repayment and uses the sheer unsexiness of the job-to-be-done as its moat.
Why “Uber for X” startups failed: The supply side is king
“Uber for x” cos failed to become a thing because they sought to emulate ridesharing when they should have just approached their particular market from first principles.”
As most marketplaces are supply-constrained, Andrew Chen advises founders to evaluate each marketplace business from the POV of the supply side. Does it work for the supply side?
Some food for thought
That’s it for today. I’ll see you with another edition of the newsletter tomorrow morning. Till then, take care and enjoy your Sunday.