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22 May

What we are reading this Sunday

“If you want these crazy ideas and these crazy stages, this crazy music, and this crazy way of thinking, there’s a chance it might come from a crazy person.”

— Kanye West

Here are 3 articles you’d want to read this Sunday. And of course, you do not have to read all 3; even one of them read and assimilated well would be enough learning for the day!

The Secret Tricks Hidden Inside Restaurant Menus

Restaurant menus are a big key to unlocking more revenue per customer. It’s not surprising then that a lot of careful thought and effort goes into how they’re designed — with some very powerful psychological tricks employed to make you choose.

Humans in the loop

“One of the paradoxes of today's internet platforms is they are vastly automated, and have no human control or interaction over what any given person sees, and yet they are also totally dependent on human behavior, because what they’re really doing is observing, extracting and inferring things from what hundreds of millions or billions of people do.”

Benedict Evans writes about how in the age of learning, a good human-machine collaboration means applying human intelligence only at specific points to create massive leverage.

The Efficiency-Destroying Magic of Tidying Up

The author describes with examples how chasing peak efficiency and organisation in complex systems increases risk and fragility, and actually reduces real efficiency.

Some food for thought

“If I make abstract remarks. It just sounds like so many pious words. If I talk about me and what I've done, maybe it will penetrate you.”

— Richard Hamming

Maybe there’s nothing like learning from experienced practitioners who can turn a boring lecture into a thrilling storytelling session! Personal experience has a way of putting principles, advice, and learning into context. Without that, the learning doesn’t hold.

Alright, that’s it for today. I’ll see you with another edition of the newsletter tomorrow morning. Till then, take care and enjoy your Sunday.

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