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26 Jun

What we are reading this Sunday

Becoming a Magician  


“You can’t keep your gaze tightly fixed on the outcome you want because it will lock your mind onto the strategies you currently have for meeting them, which by definition probably don’t work (otherwise you would have succeeded already and you wouldn’t need to use the strategy).”

Any sufficiently advanced skillset is indistinguishable from magic.

Mastery is a state of mind, not a destination.

The Shitposting Edition


In a post-ironic and detached world where nothing is to be taken too seriously anymore lest it turn cringe, shitposting happens to be the best way of putting across subversive thoughts that challenge conventional beliefs and norms. When all seriousness is coated with a thick layer of irony and self-interest, shitposting comes across as almost court jester-like.

It is a license to speak deep truths non-assertively and casually using absurdity and humour as a vehicle.

Things that are hard to begin but near-impossible to quit


If you learn to think at the level of foundational principles and questions, the strategy will usually take care of itself. What is a question, that when answered, gets rid of many other questions? What is a problem, that if solved, gets rid of many other problems? What are things you can do once that will benefit you forever?

This essay explores the idea of foundational thinking in depth and leaves you with a lot to think about. A good read for anyone looking to become a better decision-maker.

Some Food for Thought


Okay folks, that’s it for today! I’ll see you with another edition of the newsletter tomorrow morning. Till then, take care and enjoy your Sunday.

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