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3 Jul

What we are reading this Sunday

How to explain an idea: a mega post


Sloppily thought-through ideas and sloppily presented ideas — both don't get bought. This post will equip you with enough tools in your arsenal to make sure you never deliver an unconvincing presentation again.

Friction Layers


“As a business ascends friction layers, it expands its offering from literal interfaces to abstracted interfaces.”

The millennial approach to marketing leaves a lot to be desired in this Gen-Z era. Thinking of a “business as an API,” the author provides a new framework: 4 layers of friction that may prevent consumers from buying the product in any given business.

My thoughts: It definitely helps you see your marketing funnel in a new light. If you can identify the points of friction on every layer, you can solve for them better.

Brand vs. Performance Marketing Spectrum


“All marketing activities are a trade-off between immediate conversion and brand equity.”

Performance marketing means better short-term conversion, but worse long-term brand equity. Brand marketing means worse short-term conversion, but better long-term brand equity.

Let Wes Kao help you think better about making this trade-off.

Some Food for Thought

From Matt Levine's newsletter:


Okay folks, that’s it for today! I’ll see you with another edition of the newsletter tomorrow morning. Till then, take care and enjoy your Sunday.  

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