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25 Sep

What we are reading this Sunday

Eyes light up (ELU)

Wes Kao talks about a simple behavioral tick that humans exhibit, which if noticed, helps you mine for real interestingness and figure out what really matters: be it to your audience or to your users.

Why Nerds are Unpopular


Nerds are unpopular because they probably don't want to be popular. They don't care about popularity and all the performances that come with it. They're playing a different game.

The Road to Software Craftsmanship

"Are you bursting with the feeling of satisfaction after solving a tricky technical problem with a teammate?

Do you personally feel responsible when an on-call incident happens, even if you did not cause it?

Are you super excited when users say they love using your application?

A craftsperson is proud to sign their work because they stand behind it. As a team of developers, we own our codebase together — we are accountable for both success and failure. Nobody is perfect. But if we all show care and leave our code a little cleaner than we found it, regardless of who the original author was, the number of broken windows would be kept to a minimum. The quality of our system would gradually improve to a point where everyone in the team can proudly proclaim, “Yes, this is our work. We produced it.”"

Some food for thought

@samhinkie on what influence really means.

That's all for today, folks. We'll see you with another edition tomorrow. Till then, stay out of trouble.

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