Here are 3 articles you’d want to read this Sunday. And of course, you do not have to read all 3; even one of them read and assimilated well would be enough learning for the day!
Getting the Bigger Role
“How do I approach that promotion?” has always been a question lingering at the top of our minds. In this quick 5-minute read, the authors lays down the essentials for promotion-readiness and how you can be two steps ahead of the game.
Why We Confess
The history of confession, what’s that impulse to confess, and what it does for us — all in one well-written essay.
Market Failures in Science
Incentives rule everything around me. Even science and scientists. This one is a cracking read to understand what kind of incentives rule and plague the scientific research industry.
Some food for thought
“I want to live in a way that if my life played out 1,000 times, Naval is successful 999 times. He’s not a billionaire, but he does pretty well each time. He may not have nailed life in every regard, but he sets up systems so he’s failed in very few places.”
— Naval
That’s it for today. I’ll be seeing you tomorrow. Till then take care and enjoy this beautiful Sunday!